About Yuwei
About My Name
My name is 阴昱为 Yin-Yuwei (/ˈjɪnˌjuːweɪ/).
My family name 阴 Yin dates from the 7th generation descendant of a Chinese philosopher and politician Guan Zhong (c. 720–645 B.C.). In Ancient Chinese philosophy, 阴阳 yin and yang (/ˈjɪn/ and /ˈjɑːŋ, ˈjæŋ/; “dark-light”, “negative-positive”) is a Chinese philosophical concept that describes how obviously opposite or contrary forces may actually be complementary, interconnected, and interdependent in the natural world, and how they may give rise to each other as they interrelate to one another.
昱 as a noun, it means tomorrow. Because the upper part is 日 (the sun) and the lower part is 立 (to stand). Together, it means the sun rises, indicating a new day. Thus it also denotes light and sunshine. As a verb, 昱 means to shine, to light, and to illuminate. As an adjective, 昱 means shiny, bright, and glorious.
为 has multiple meanings and different parts of speech, including the verb, noun, preposition, conjunction, and auxiliary word. In general, its basic meaning is to do, to act, and to make.
The right part of 阴 is 月, meaning the moon. Therefore, 阴昱 contains yin and yang, the moon and the sun. 昱为 can be explained as standing under the sun and making achievements.
Joey has a similar pronunciation to 久湮, which is the name I give myself. 久 means long (time), permanent, and eternal. 湮 means annihilation or to annihilate. Together, it stands for a paradoxical harmony, just like yin and yang.
MBTI: Advocate (INFJ-A)